Fast and Easy Assessments to Drive Cloud Strategy

Leverage the power of CloudRecon to automate the assessment of IT infrastructure and create a
customized migration plan with detailed cost estimates in just minutes

Inventory applications and workloads to develop a cloud strategy with detailed ROI and TCO benefits.
CloudRecon consumes infrastructure data from leading IT discovery tools and evaluates your existing IT environment to generate an assessment of the cloud readiness of an enterprise, providing technical analysis of virtual machines, physical servers, applications, databases, and client machines. This assessment is used to generate a customizable cloud strategy and business case that can be output into easy-to-digest reports that can be delivered to business decision makers.
Key Benefits
Automated on-premise infrastructure assessments in minutes, not months
Automation saves time and expense over arduous manual assessments
Detailed inventory assessments provide insights to inform your cloud migration strategy

Key Features

IT Inventory


Cloud Costing
and TCO Estimates


and Control

CloudRecon consumes data from numerous discovery tools to assess your infrastructure and help you understand the technical realities you face and to guide decisions regarding your cloud options.
Reports and Processes

Upload inventory data from numerous 3rd party IT discovery tools or upload your own inventory file

CloudRecon helps you make sure you're capturing the right data to generate a high-quality assessment

An overview of your inventory with details on devices, applications, and servers highlighting compliance and cloud readiness

Detailed cost estimates for lift and shift with a 1 year fixed, 3 year fixed, or pay as you go plan. Customizable by region and environment

An overview of all the relevant information about SQL Azure DB and SQL Azure VM cost

An overview of SQL Azure Managed Instance (MI) and SQL Component Services on Azure, including instances and costs before and after consolidation

A detailed view and comparison of on-premise vs. Azure costs with cash flow analysis, machine, server, database and storage details with customizable assumptions

An assessment of cybersecurity maturity of applications, VMs and servers looking at server type, server details and antivirus protection to assess whether to keep, consolidate , modernize or decommission

See for yourself what CloudAtlas can do for you!