Target and Migrate

Based on static code analysis, configuration data, and development team interaction, CloudPilot provides a deep and detailed analysis of applications and their readiness to migrate to a Cloud environment.

CloudPilot assists in the initial assessment of the Cloud migration effort; in the re-factoring process by offering detailed code-level changes for the Cloud; and in the final testing against enterprise control frameworks.

CloudPilot scans the application source code and uses configuration data to provide a detailed report of code-level changes to modernize your applications for the cloud. For applications that have already been remitted and are considered Cloud-ready, CloudPilot scans the Cloud-enabled applications to ensure that they follow best practices and meet enterprise IT Controls and Cybersecurity policies.

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Key Features by Operation Mode

Planning Mode

  • Realistic estimates of time and resources required to modernize applications to run in the Cloud
  • Provide developers with deep understanding of the enterprise control framework while they are modernizing applications
  • Flexible ways to plan the remediation work by project, service, skills, and developers capabilities
  • Application scanning and analysis in minutes compared to manual code analysis taking many man-weeks
  • Best practices based on many years of modernizing Azure applications
Cloud Pilot
Cloud Pilot

Remediation Mode

  • Identify changes needed for modernization of the application to the line of code
  • Code recommendations can be cut & pasted into the application
  • Guidance is provided for each code recommendation
  • Links to authoritative guidance provided
  • Cloud services are constantly changing; the CloudOrigin® knowledge-base helps developers stay current with best practices
  • Small, simple fixes can be completed by less skilled developers across multiple application (e.g. remove hard coded URLs)
  • CloudOrigin enables sharing of best practices
  • Reduce the number of man-weeks it takes to migrate or modernize the application

Compliance Mode

  • Drive consistent policies on usage of Cloud Services and optimal Services settings across the organization
  • Enforce guidance and standards across all applications
  • Ensure that Cloud Services settings used for that application meet corporate standards and compliance requirements
Cloud Pilot